Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Typical Sunday for Chin Family 4
Here's Ashley playing with a puzzle during the lunch session at the center.
She changed her clothes as she messed them up during lunch...

So focused, what's she doing?

Ohhh playing with the puzzle!

Yay! Dunno why she did that, not that she solved the puzzle or anything.
Incidentally the puzzle is quite tough, even Daddy couldn't solve it!

Yay! (continued)

Back to work.

She's so cute! (but of course, Daddy's cute too, so its natural that my kid's cute, no?)

Pretty hot that day so she's perspiring even when there's aircon

Yay! (Again, I have no idea why, but its good for photo taking)

Close up on the puzzle, its a puzzle with moles and holes (kinda rhymes, I should write songs)

She's very focused.

Don't ask me what's she's doing...

Keeps touching her lip/nose. I have to stop her so that she don't get sick.

Kaypo a bit on whats going on around her...
cyberwill75 missed ashley @ 11:36 PM